Healing Chick

A health and happiness blog, packed full of natural pick me ups


The Brahma Kumaris: An Introduction

Last night I visited the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) for the first time. The BKWSU (UK) teaches Raja Yoga Meditation as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive outlook, providing opportunities to all those who seek to explore their own spirituality.

The organisation was founded in 1936 by Dada Lekhraj, in Hyderabad (at the time part of colonial India now Pakistan). After experiencing intense spiritual visions of understanding Dada Lekhraj set up the organisation under its original name of Om Mandali. Om Mandali consisted of around 400 individuals, who lived together self-sufficiently and devoted their time to intense spiritual study, meditation and self-transformation.

Today the Brahma Kumaris has organisations in over 100 countries, with its headquarters based in Mount Abu, India. Brahma Kumaris became a recognised charity in the UK in 1975. There are currently over 40 local teaching centres across the UK, being funded solely by voluntary contributions. Continue reading