Healing Chick

A health and happiness blog, packed full of natural pick me ups

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Get merry the natural way this winter with natural highs

It’s time to face the inevitable…winter is coming. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) affects approximately 2 million people in the UK, and more than 12 million people across Northern Europe. Everyone needs a little helping hand through the colder months, and whilst hot chocolate puds, mulled wine and Sunday roasts most nights of the week might make you feel perkier at the time, the likelihood is that you’ll end up feeling pretty yuck. And potentially enter the New Year ten pounds heavier.

Shorter days and darker mornings mean less daylight, in people with SAD the lack of light is thought to affect the production of the hormones melatonin and serotonin. Unless you’re one of those sporty types, the majority of people also find that they do less exercise in winter, sending endorphin levels plummeting. Walking in the pitch black freezing rain to the gym after work never quite seems to win out against an evening spent snuggled up on the sofa. Continue reading